Some key tips for driving at night
Driving on long trips sometimes coincides with darkness and night, and for reasons such as fatigue and sleepiness, as well as reduced vision, it sometimes turns into a difficult and boring experience. Maybe this case is true when driving a passenger car, which has a completely different atmosphere and is not comparable to driving a multi-ton vehicle on a dark road.
You should not forget that your health is your only irreplaceable asset and you should take care of it under any circumstances while driving, especially at night. First of all, you should keep in mind that using the route that you have had driving experience on in previous trips and during the day will make your job easier for a safe journey.
Periodic health test
Conducting general medical tests and informing you that you are not suffering from diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and other disorders, as well as continuous and periodic visits to an ophthalmologist for peace of mind that you do not have vision problems are among the basic things that should not be ignored. We must note that if you are suffering from any of the mentioned diseases if you go to the doctor and get timely information about the disease and its causes, it can help you to carry out the treatment process.
Do not forget the miracle of a short nap
A driver can drive for 11 hours during the day and needs at least 7 hours of full sleep. But at the same time, we should not forget that taking a short nap between every two hours of driving can help you to have a safe and uneventful trip.
If you encounter things such as “forgetting a few minutes ago”, “getting out of the road and path”, “continuous and successive yawning” and “having difficulty concentrating and not being able to keep your eyes open” in a short stop and experiencing a nap Do not hesitate. Because continuing the path with the mentioned symptoms can cause irreparable damage to your health and that of others.
Take a little walk!
Getting out of the car, taking a short walk, and breathing in the air outside the cabin will help you regain consciousness and freshen your breath.
Lower the cabin temperature
The normal temperature of the cabin is one of the necessities neglecting it can make you feel sleepy at the wrong time and even lead to an accident. Do not forget to lower the temperature of the cabin at night, because the heating of the cabin will strain your eyes. Also, reducing the light inside the cabin and the lamp of the signs related to its chassis are among the important things that you should pay serious attention to.
Have at least one shot of coffee in your daily menu
Using coffee, especially in the hours leading up to sunset or in the early morning, can keep you from falling asleep and keep your level of alertness to an acceptable level with its caffeine content.
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