Convening of the first meeting of the province’s transport advisory commission
The first meeting of the technical and specialized, legal and drivers of the Strategic Council of Goods transportation of the province was held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 02, 2024, with the presence of the elected members of Mr. Rajabizadeh, Safai, Barbad, and Jahanshahi, managers of Mokranbar, Moein, Rahgostar, Hojjatrah transportation companies, as well as Dr. Jafari Nasab, the esteemed advisor to the general manager of road maintenance & transportation of the province, at the office of the CEO of Mokranbar company. The agenda of the first meeting of the commission was to estimate the problems of transportation and the strengths and weaknesses of this industry in Kerman province. At first, the CEO of Mokranbar shared information about the weak points of this industry in the national and provincial spheres, including frequent changes in rules and regulations, the involvement of unrelated institutions in the affairs of the sector, the lack of assigning existing positions in the organization to associations, and the lack of a rating system in transport companies, failure to pay attention to the training of the working force in this sector, the involvement of the logistics units of the factories and industries of the province in the affairs of the sector, and failure to pay attention to the capable companies and was investigated it was decided to reflect and it was decided that in the next meetings, the mentioned cases will be discussed in detail and the proposed solutions to solve or reduce these cases will be presented to the road organization in the form of minutes.
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