Some summer advice for heavy vehicle drivers

These days, when the heat of the air in many regions of our country has increased in an unprecedented way and it is predicted that in the coming weeks of summer, we will see more heat in the calendar days, exposure to this hot air and sunlight can challenge the body’s metabolism and make its immune system vulnerable. In such a situation, millions worldwide are forced to work in these conditions because of their jobs, and truck drivers should be considered one of the main groups of these workers in hot weather.
1- Use cool drinks.
The possibility of using the air conditioning system in heavy vehicles is not a sufficient condition to avoid overheating and being exposed to damage caused by hot air. In addition to this opportunity, it is necessary to drink at least three liters of water or a cool-temperature drink every day, if the increased level of immunity will help the animals against the heat of these summer days.
2- Don’t forget sunscreen!
The sun’s Ultraviolet rays can cause serious damage to people in the short and long term when the body and skin are exposed to direct sunlight. From diseases that are sometimes irreversible, such as skin cancer, to dry and wrinkled skin, they can be eliminated with a simple method such as using sunscreen while driving, especially on long distances.
Of course, I recommend you use sunscreen creams for greater safety and use creams with SPF 30 to provide adequate protection against possible damage.
3- Use appropriate sunglasses.
A simple and at the same time, basic advice to the dear drivers, is that to prevent complications such as cataracts, dryness, and reddening of the eyes, if the reason for long-term vision is to face the surface of the road, use the appropriate sunglasses.
4- Follow a few simple tips, hit the road safely;
Checking truck tire pressure in the hot season is one of the important points that can save you from big troubles along the way. In the hot season, due to the significant increase in temperature, the air in the tires becomes less than its usual amount, and the possibility of bursting the truck tire is very high, especially when the load volume is high. For this reason, ensuring that your tires have the right air can usually make it a lot easier for you to reach your destination without any problems.
Another golden point is the normality of the battery operation cycle. Due to the high air temperature, the liquid in the car battery evaporates to a considerable extent in the summer season and disrupts its energy supply. Checking the cleanliness of the battery connection points and making sure that its charging is normal are other things that you should not ignore!
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